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ICES Video Contest 2017

ICES Video Contest 2017


ICES invites you to document and to submit your own unique experiences.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Try to capture how the student exchange is impacting the lives of you and others. This could be with your host family, your high school, your sports team, a community service project, a special event, the spirit of Thanksgiving … or why not document your entire student exchange year. Express yourself, tell a story and share with friends, families and your community.

You choose the form for your video and it may contain motion pictures, a song you perform, photos with comments, a poem, a thank you ‘letter’, etc etc … We prefer to get the video in a higher resolution for clear visibility and your vídeo should not be longer than 5 minutes.

Be creative!

And you may submit several contributions if you like …

ICES will determine the most interesting, creative or positive contribution … and the 3 winners will each receive a $100 gift certificate.

Last day for submission is JUNE 1, 2017, but we will accept your contribution any time until deadline. So start thinking of what you would like to do …

Your submission should be sent to:

Good luck!

año escolar en usa

Last year´s winner

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